The E12 5 series was introduced in 1972. It was available as 4 door sedan. There were two models available: the 520 and 520i. Both models had a M10 four cylinder engine. The 520 had 115 HP and the 520i 130 HP.
Model Engine Power topspeed year 520 M10 4 cylinder 115 hp 175 km/h 1972-1977520i M10 4 cylinder 130 hp 183 km/h 1972-1977
In 1973 the 525 came available. It had a six cylinder engine with 145 HP.
Te pido disculpas, no habia entendido tu interes de acordar TLC, ya todo aclarado, ahora mismo te agrego a mis links amigos y empiezo a cumplir diariamente como corresponde ;)
Te pido disculpas, no habia entendido tu interes de acordar TLC, ya todo aclarado, ahora mismo te agrego a mis links amigos y empiezo a cumplir diariamente como corresponde ;)
Cumpliendo ;)
Excelente blog! bienvenido a BetaDir!
-- Pablo [BetaDir]
Pasaba por aqui como de costumbre a apreciar los autos.
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